Published On: September 29th, 2021 / Categories: Blog /

As a business owner, you are most likely using an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to help you keep track of your inventory, employees, and other aspects of running your organisation in Singapore. However, during such unprecedented times where the only constant is change for business landscapes, it is important to ensure that business operation tools such as ERP systems are constantly checked to ensure that they are up to date.

With constant change across industries due to digitalisation, the threat landscape for security risks and potential security vulnerabilities are always evolving. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly conduct a health check for your ERP system to avoid increased security risks that could lead to downtime and revenue loss.

What Does an ERP Health Check Entail Exactly?

During the process of conducting an ERP health check, you will be seeking to answer a list of questions that will determine if your ERP is functioning properly. These questions include:

  1. Identifying ERP issues that may be holding your business back
  2. Discover opportunities to increase operational efficiencies
  3. Uncovering the full potential of your ERP system
  4. Are your staff able to work efficiently to support the system?

By answering these questions, you will be able to diagnose any problems that arise in your systems. Upon inquisition of these issues, you can determine the necessary preventative measures to avoid said issues from affecting your business in the near future. If your ERP system is out of date, you might want to consider if implementing a brand new ERP system would make a better investment for your organisation, rather than sticking to an older system which does not maximise the productivity and performance of your business.

Why Perform an ERP Health Check?

1. Gain Insights

With an ERP health check, you will have a better and more complete understanding of the full capabilities and shortcomings of your current system. By identifying shortfalls within the system, you can determine if your business is losing any revenue due to them, and create an action plan to address the issues. By acknowledging the strengths of your system, you will also have a clear picture of the limitations it has.

2. Risk Evaluation

A thorough health check will identify the possible risks that your ERP or Cloud-based systems might expose your business to, which can jeopardise its integrity. For example, systems that are out of date can expose your business to a higher amount of risk for data breaches, which could lead to a failure in your system, leading to a loss in revenue.

3. Determine if a Change in System is Necessary

At the core of an ERP health check, is to determine whether you should move forward with the existing ERP solution or to replace it with a new one that can better support your business and staff. Implementing a new ERP system can be costly but it can be a great investment if your current system is unable to bring your business to greater heights or through expansion.

Conduct a ERP Health Check With The Help of Naviworld Today

If you have no clue where to start for an ERP health check, consider approaching our professional consultants here at Naviworld. Get in touch with us today to find out how you can improve your ERP system by doing regular health checks now.

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